Alat Pengukur Perbedaan Warna Colorimeter AMT-501.
Fitur Alat Pengukur Perbedaan Warna Colorimeter AMT-501 :
- Layar 2.4 ” warna-warni lebar dan desain portabel
- Tiga jenis sumber cahaya untuk seleksi, SCI dan SCE beralih modus dan analisis metamerism status kerja yang berbeda
- Pengaturan toleransi, humanizational auto-hakim nilai perbedaan warna dan deviasi warna untuk menilai warna mudah
- Profesional analisis warna perangkat lunak untuk melakukan analisis data warna dan perbedaan warna keluaran diagram
- Mini printer optik memenuhi output data
- Dapat menguji berbagai bahan termasuk bubuk
Spesifikasi Alat Pengukur Perbedaan Warna Colorimeter AMT-501: |
Repeat accuracy | 0.08 (Test the standard white tabula for 30 times to get the average value) |
Lighting/inspecting system | 8/d (8°Falloff/diffuse reflection) SCI (include Flat Mirror Light) SCE (eliminate Flat Mirror Light) |
Light source | White light source |
Inspection angle | 10° Angle of view in CIE |
Inspection conditions | D65; D50; F11 |
Rectification | White board rectification; Black board rectification |
Storage | 12 groups of standard samples and it can keep 30 groups of sample values under every standard sample |
Display | L*a*b*; L*c*h* Chroma values and △E*ab; (△L*a*b*); (△L*c*h*) color difference values |
Test caliber | 8mm |
Power | 4 alkaline batteries or nickel batteries special adapter (DC:5V) |
Size | 77×86×210mm |
Weight | 550g |
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